SML Ti Tube Grade 5

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Meet us 9th - 10th September @ Swiss Medtech Lucerne
» Molybdenum
» Molybdän
» Molybden
Pure Foils, Sheets, Plates, Rods and Wires in Molybdenum and elements made to your drawings are supplied in short time as and on time.
For higher recristallisation temperature (approx. 1300 centigrades), better creep strength and tensile TZM Alloy is your choice.
- Molybdän Molybden Properties
- Molybdän Rods - Plates
- Molybdän Parts made to Drawing
- Molybdän Molybden Piercing Mandrels - Molybdän Electrodes
- Molybdän Molybden Crucibles - Screws, Boats...
- TZM Alloy